Do you feel lost in an increasingly complex and volatile business world? Not sure how to deal with the ever-changing and shifting environment?

Enter SEEDS of Change! An easy-to-follow framework to enable you to accept change, thrive, and remain relevant in an increasingly uncertain world.

Ranked No.1 best-seller in spiritual self-help.

On Amazon in it's first week after publishing the book.

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In today’s disruptive age, organizations with an established business model are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain. Faced with the challenges of an ever-changing business environment, organizations of all sizes have to adapt and evolve. SEEDs of change provide guidelines to business leaders with a tool kit to help them shift mindsets and create new thinking that helps teams to cope with the current volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment, and develop agile strategies to continue to grow individuals and contribute to the business objectives.


 SEEDs of change is a model and an approach that supports leaders in developing the competencies needed to navigate a changing system in the workplace through a structured process. Leaders will learn the tools they need to not only accept change within the workplace but to embrace it and what it has to offer for their organization.  

With today’s professional world taking on a much more digital approach to business, it is becoming necessary for organizations make that journey to a digital workplace to remain relevant.

Because we are no longer in the era of predicting change, rather being flexible to respond to the continuous changes as they occur. It is about building a culture of resilience and human centric long-sighted businesses.

SEEDs of change provide guidelines to business leaders with a tool kit to help them shift mindsets and create new thinking that helps teams to cope with the current volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment, and develop agile strategies to continue to grow individuals and contribute to the business objectives.